1) Have been using the DANAGE DOMINO target system for about 10 years mostly for our target range where we have some 50 members shooting each week at FITA type tournaments ie target ranges from 30m to 90m. Like every Archery club that we know of the problem of target butts is a continuing one. Basically we destroy our butts as a matter of ‘what we do’.
Over the history of the club (some 40 years) we have never found a better system than the DANAGE DOMINO target system (having tried foam, telephone books, cardboard, reeds etc) because of the economics (initial cost is high) lightness, replacement of centre area, service from the manufacturer etc.
The DOMINO System allows the centre area to be replaced with ease this is without doubt the area of greatest wear whilst the surrounding areas give long life. DANAGE provide an excellent service in respect to replacement sections of the DOMINO system.
Our view is that whilst the costs are high at the beginning the ability to change centres provides long term benefits and in our view the system gives savings in the long term over any other butt method.
The Bowmen of Melville, Western Australia
2) Firstly, I just wanted to let you know that the first 20 DANAGE DOMINO buttresses ordered were used over the weekend of 31 March - 4 April 2006 to make up part of the field for the 56th South African National Archery Championships as well as the All African Games that formed part
of the weekend. They were far superior to butts previously used, particularly with stopping the compound archers arrows that usually experience many passthrough shots on the foam skins butts that have traditionally been used in South Africa.
The Bushmans’s Bow Shop
3) "I still have the same x10's I had 4 months ago and the weigh the same.... I appreciate your support it has helped my shooting and saved me a lot of time in broken arrows". Patrick Coghlan - a compound shooter from the Australian National Team.
4) DANAGE DOMINO Targets are the best targets, organizers can dream of. Archers like them also…
Their light weight, make them easy to handle and do not cost much energy to build and place correctly. This makes the jobs for volunteers a lot more fun. The new stands very are easy to build up and move around even with the DOMINO Target in it.
A combination of a DOMINO Target with a “PowerStop”, will stop every arrow, even the thinnest carbon arrow from the newest and fastest compound bow. This has been proven during two Face 2 Face Archery Tournaments in Amsterdam.
During the 2006 tournament we even used DOMINO Targets from F2F2005. We didn’t notice any problems. This means that the wear during a tournament at the highest level in the world will not make the shooting area of the target unusable and then we have still the option to move parts around or renew only a certain part of the target with a replacement part.
We know for sure, we do not want anything other then the best, F2F uses DANAGE DOMINO Targets.
Concordia Archery Tournaments foundation, Organisation of Face 2 Face Archery tournaments
5) On behalf of the World Indoor Archery Championships 2005 organising committee and as president of this, I will hereby express my opinion on the DANAGE DOMINO Targets.
My background of this is an archery career since 1980 and 17 years participation on the Danish national team. Through this career, I have participated in more than 500 archery tournaments, of which approximately 100 have been on an international level, and among these the Olympics of 1988 and 1992.
I am presently National Team coach and president of one of the biggest archery clubs in Denmark. Our city and archery club will host the World Indoor Championships 2005.
The choice of target mats is always problematic, as one must consider price, weight, volume, performance and durability. They have to stop all kinds of arrows in all weather conditions, be long lasting and possible to repair on location.
In my long career, I have shot at many different materials, some better than others, and in all honesty; the only target mat that fulfils the requirements by me and all the other archers is the DOMINO target. Therefore, we have chosen to use this mat at the World Indoors 2005 here in Denmark. This has been submitted to FITA, which fully approved this decision.
Conclusively, to avoid any target mat problems in prestigious archers events, the DOMINO target is the only choice. I am pleased to confirm that our expectations to the DOMINO targets where entirely fulfilled. 4 days of shooting without any bouncers, pass throughs or any arrow damage, a very nice experience for all the archers and also for all the volunteers. No doubt, the DANAGE DOMINO Targets are the best targets available foam targets are not just foam targets !
Henrik Toft, President of Aalborg Bueskyttelaug (the organizing committee of the 8th World Indoor Target Championships & 3rd World Junior Indoor Championships 2005).
6) "The DOMINO Target Matt from DANAGE is the perfect target for anyone that is serious about having a premium quality target for club, tournament or personal use. The DOMINO is light weight and pack able making it perfect for transport without giving up any durability and if wear dose become an issue just replace the center with one of the easy replaceable module core sections."
Dave Cousins, U.S.A.
7) We are testing our new bow-sting-material ( only with DANAGE-targets. The DANAGE material has light weight and it is easy to handle!
So we have only fun with the DANAGE targets and we get 100% correct results during our tests with the GIGABOW-string materials.
Bernd Kluckert Germany
8) DANAGE DOMINO Targets are the best targets you can shoot on. I have had my private shooting range for many years and appreciate the saving in arrows, no change of the spine value - and I am also happy saving my time replacing the worn out parts instead of repairing the targets. The DOMINO Concept is just perfect ! .. in all aspects. My wish is that the tournament organizers worldwide would use the DANAGE DOMINO Targets.
Tom Henriksen, Denmark. World Champion, European Champion and Nordic Champion
9) As an archer of more than 30 years of practicing on different target matts, I remember way back in time as we had nothing but the hard stray matts, which destroyed many arrows and caused a lot of pain regarding heavy weight lifting when placing them out on the range and lifting them back again, storing for shelters due to the rain, I most heartly welcome the DOMINO targets as they weigh almost nothing, can last a good time out in the rain, easy storing as they’re resistant to humid weather conditions opposite the stray matts.
DOMINO targets lead the way to easy living as an archer practicing on a daily basis.
Erik P. Nielsen, F.I.T.A. 1402 purple star.
10) I have been shooting on DANAGE DOMINO Targets for a couple of years now and I am very satisfied. The Targets are good for my arrows and because of the "rebuild" system they last very long.
Morgan Lundin, Sweden. 8 times world champion, 2006 Field the latest. The first archer in the world to win a Grand Slam.
11) Having served as Canadian National Archery Team Staff at 3 World Championship events, where DANAGE Targets were used, and the recent Pan American Championships where Danage targets were not used, I can say that in my opinion DANAGE DOMINO Targets Butts are a superior product. The DOMINO Target provides ease of movement, durability and most of all, are "friendly " to arrows. I have purchased 10 Domino targets for my own Archery Club and not one arrow has been damaged having been shot into these buttresses. I cannot say the same for other target buttresses that I am familiar with.
Jeff Gunter, Head Coach and Team Leader Canadian National Archery Team
2005 Indoor World Championships, Aaalborg, Denmark
2006 Pan American Archery Championships, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Assitant Coach Canadian National Archery Team
2004 World Junior Target Archery Championships, Lilleshall, Great Britain
2005 World Outdoor Target Archery Championships, Madrid, Spain.

Grand National Archery Society
17 College Close
Great Casterton
Lincs PE9 4AW
Tel. 01780 755474
31st January 2007
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir
12) I wish to inform you that the DANAGE DOMINO Target System has
been successfully used by Grand National Archery Society since 2002
for all indoor and outdoor National Tournaments as well as the Junior
World Championships at Lilleshall in 2004.
We have been pleased with the performance of this system at these tournaments
where we did not experience any bouncers, pass throughs or any arrow damage.
On this basis we do not expect any problems in the future.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Pam Tonkin
Chairman GNAS Tournament Committee & National Tournament Organiser
13)The target is working fantastically for myself and a few compound shooters. We estimated approximately 25,000 shots before we made the first rotation of the center foam; we did however move the face center about 6 inches to the side prior to moving the foam. It takes a bit of muscling the inner frame together when rearranging the foam, but it is very solid once fully bolted. We found two people and the use of a rubber mallet to be most beneficial. Arrows pull out beautifully and only require lube about once or twice a week. High winds coming off of the salt flats blew the target over a few times, luckily not while we were shooting. Staking it down keeps it secured nicely.
Thanks again for providing the target. It is definitely the finest target system I have ever shot on.
"Kris Carlson- Salt Lake City, UT- USA"